Recent Movements In The 4thWay PLUS Ratings

The 4thWay PLUS Ratings and 4thWay ALT Ratings have been showing their worth during the pandemic and we strongly expect they will continue to do so. P2P lending doesn’t evolve around the world of COVID-19, though, so there have been a few changes to 4thWay…

P2P Lending And COVID-19: Lots Of News And Updates, Nov 2020

It’s been a lot of work trying to stay on top of all the P2P lending companies for you during the pandemic. as we sought extra information, meetings and data submissions from the P2P lending companies. Here’s a summary of much of our recent research….

Which Peer-To-Peer Lending Sites Have Institutional Lending?

Peer-to-peer institutional lending – that’s lending from banks and the like – is becoming a bigger theme as the P2P industry grows. And institutional lending could actually impact individual lenders’ results. Below, I’m listing a lot of the peer-to-peer lending sites that have been the…

Update on HNW Lending’s Pause In Lending

For the full story on HNW Lending, read the HNW Lending Review. [orangebox title=”Latest update”] Update on 28th October, 2020 HNW Lending has given us more good news today. It says the financial regulator has now allowed it to remove the temporary restrictions that HNW…

Predicting the Property Market For P2P Lending

Certainly, it’s not much of a prediction to guess that, over the long term, house prices will rise. I mean that’s very clear. So I’m concerning myself today with short-term house prices, which can be more relevant when lending anyway. House-price movements change the risks…

Rebuildingsociety Lenders In 200+ Loans Have Positive Results

One of 4thWay’s specialists will update the Rebuildingsociety review next month and you can expect a huge amount of updates to it. And certainly a lot more detail and opinion than I’m about to give you today, as I’m just looking at one small aspect…

What Investors Can Learn From RateSetter’s Sale To Metro Bank

RateSetter and Metro Bank have done a deal: RateSetter has been sold to Metro. RateSetter’s existing lenders will see their existing loans paid off while borrowers meet their repayments, as usual. Buto new lending will occur through the platform. Metro Bank will use RateSetter’s lending…

4thWay’s Users Rate Us 9.3/10 – It’s All About Our Results

In a poll of our users, we’re rated 9.3 out of 10! One of the most common forms of feedback we receive is to just keep doing what we’re doing. The results have proven our worth It’s mathematically highly probable that anyone lending for a…

Funding Circle Reviews By Investors

I have pulled out all the Funding Circle reviews written by investors (lenders) that I can find on TrustPilot and, I don’t mind telling you, it took a very long time. Because online Funding Circle reviews are usually written by borrowers and not lenders. I…

The Shortcomings Of Bad-Debt Provision Funds

It is sensible to plan for disaster and one way to do so is to set aside a pot of money to cover losses from bad debts. Several P2P lending websites offer these bad-debt provision funds as part of their defences, such as: Assetz Capital…

Is Institutional Lending In Peer-To-Peer Good For You?

“Financial institutions” have increasingly been lending through peer-to-peer lending websites. But what is peer-to-peer institutional lending, how widespread is it, and, the key question: Is institutional lending a good or bad sign for individual lenders doing P2P? I’ll get to that. I must warn you that…

HNW Lending Update On Its Loans During COVID-19

I want to write up my findings from looking at HNW Lending’s most recent data submission to us. This included extra information at our request to highlight any impact on loans due to COVID-19. A quick summary of what HNW Lending does HNW Lending does…

Best P2P Lending Accounts And IFISAs During COVID-19

The past few months have been a strange, rough and disturbing time for many – perhaps most – people in the UK. Investors in the stock market have been slammed dreadfully. P2P lending and IFISAs have been a lot more stable, as you should expect…

How Investors Beat The COVID-19 Downturn With P2P Lending

In this special P2P Lending COVID-19 guide, read how savers and lenders can survive and thrive despite the COVID-19 outbreak. You’ll learn about: The history of epidemics and downturns on P2P lending and other investments. The attitude to your investments that you need to adopt…

Peer-to-Peer Lending Vs Bonds

Most peer-to-peer lending sits in the sweet spot with potential rewards considerably above savings accounts and yet risks below the stock market. And its incredibly steady record since 2005 certainly supports that. But where exactly does peer-to-peer lending sit compared to bonds? Peer-to-peer lending has…

Funding Circle New Lending Update On COVID-19 17th April 2020

By Funding Circle. Important update on lending through Funding Circle Today the British Business Bank (BBB) has accredited Funding Circle to the Government’s Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). This will allow us to help small businesses access crucial government-guaranteed loans during this unprecedented time….

LendingCrowd Update On COVID-19 16th April 2020

By LendingCrowd. As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to affect all our lives, we want to assure our valued community of borrowers and lenders that we’re doing everything we can support you all at this difficult time. We’ve reached out to every LendingCrowd borrower and…

Funding Circle Secondary Market Update On COVID-19 9th April 2020

By Funding Circle. Update on the secondary market As part of our ongoing measures to protect investor returns, we have taken the decision to pause the secondary market while we continue to evaluate the potential impact of Covid-19. This forms part of a number of…

CapitalStackers COVID-19 Planning

CapitalStackers recently celebrated £15 million in lending through its platform. CapitalStackers* reports a total of £60 million lent to property developers and other property owners, when you include other lenders, such as Royal Bank of Scotland. CapitalStackers tends to do junior lending. So it arranges…

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