Two Ways That P2P Lending Can Help You To Retire

Making adequate retirement provision is one of the most difficult financial challenges facing British adults today. How high your retirement income will be depends on a number of complex factors and choices, including: Over how long a period you invest How much of your income…

Why Growth Street Is Number One

It’s exciting for me to see changes in 4thWay’s comparison tables, but how are the different P2P lending products in those tables ranked from top to bottom? And how has this enabled new entrant Growth Street to go straight to the top of the table?…

Major P2P Founder Warns: “Our Industry May Never Be Profitable”

Cliff is an experienced journalist hired in as 4thWay’s “Chief P2P Cynic” to give you the alternative view. Read about Cliff. A couple of months ago, towards the end of March, I had a one-to-one meeting with a leading light of the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending…

LendingCrowd On Track For A Top Rating

It’s very early days still for LendingCrowd, but so far it’s a tale of two halves: LendingCrowd’s lower-risk loans are easily on track for the top 5/5 4thWay PLUS Rating. But its higher-risk loans do not currently appear to pay lenders enough interest to cover…

Best Alternative To Funding Circle

The fact of the matter is that Funding Circle is absolutely the stand-out leader in unsecured business lending: It has a very long and large history to assess its record: £2 billion in loans since 2010. No-one else comes close. Its performance has been highly admirable…

Difference Between Assetz Capital Products Finally Explained

Recently I was a bit confused about the difference between Assetz Capital’s various products, in particular when you want to get early access or get your money lent quickly. After asking Assetz Capital for clarity, I just want to quickly share this with you in…

Waiting Periods for Property Lending Increase

Some P2P lending sites have to make changes to satisfy the financial regulator, which could mean you sometimes have to wait weeks before all your money is lent. The Financial Conduct Authority has frowned upon pre-funded loans in some cases. “Pre-funded” means that either the…

My “A+” Funding Circle Loans Are All Going Bad

Question from anonymous 4thWay reader “I have been investing in P2Ps for a number of years now. These include RateSetter, Zopa, Lending Works* and Landbay*. My experience across all four has, in general, been good. “Last November I invested £8,500 with Funding Circle for the…

How To Lend Through Crowd2Fund

Crowd2Fund does business loans and it is available in an IFISA (a tax-free P2P lending account) paying 8.5% or more before bad debts. I’m going to show you one way to select individual business loans to lend in at Crowd2Fund for yourself, rather than relying…

How Much Bad Debt Is Acceptable?

Bad debt: that’s when a loan goes past just being “late” into what’s called “default” or “non-performing”, and even beyond – when not all that debt can be recovered and it is “written off”, never to be seen by lenders again. Bad debts are a fact…

Is This The Real Reason RateSetter Changed Its Provision Fund?

Last year, RateSetter announced changes to its bad-debt provision fund that will now take place in March. The old way RateSetter’s provision fund worked Individual lenders lend to specific borrowers (although you don’t get to choose your borrowers). RateSetter’s bad-debt provision fund covers losses that…

A Rant On “Past Doesn’t Mean Future”…Does It?

It can be a little exasperating to see individual lenders using the comments section under my articles on 4thWay, or in their emails to me. The main cause of the exasperation is when they write something like this: “I’ve earned good money with that P2P lending…

A Brief Background On Wellesley

I wrote this piece to give those of you new to Wellesley a little background to go with the recent sell alert from my colleague, Neil Faulkner, which you can read here. What Wellesley does Wellesley does development and bridging loans. It has four loans…

Why I’d Sell Wellesley Loans

Neil Faulkner says that with low interest rates for lenders, less impressive loan book performance than similar competitors, increased risks from borrowing to lend and not enough of the right kinds of unambiguous information and data, he sets out his opinion that, if he was lending…

Crowd2Fund Opens Up About Its IFISAs

Finally, 4thWay has enough information to list in our comparison tables, for the first time and not for the lack of trying, one of those rare of P2P lending things: an IFISA product. These offer completely tax-free P2P lending. Like Willy Wonka’s golden ticket, there are only…

Catastrophe In P2P Pensions

The operators dealing with P2P lending in the Evolution SIPP, which is possibly the best pension for P2P lending, have just announced that they will not allow new P2P lending. In addition, other pension providers offering P2P lending might reduce or remove their services for non-advised…

What Exactly Is P2P Lending And Has It Lost Its Way?

May people say that P2P lending websites hve lost their way; they’re not P2P any more. And when I say “many people say”, unlike Donald Trump, I don’t mean me. I mean a lot of financial journalists and individual lenders are saying it. I’ve heard them…

P2P Pensions: Evolution SIPP

The providers of P2P lending in the Evolution SIPP, Greyfriars, announced in late 2016 that from 1 January 2017 it will open no new P2P lending accounts and no new P2P lending can take place through its SIPP. Greyfriars stated that the reason for this…

4thWay Alerts Service: Wellesley Update

The 4thWay Alerts Service lets our email subscribers know when a 4thWay writer has seen any major changes at a P2P lending website that he/she would want to be informed about personally – speaking as lenders themselves. I have seen several changes at Wellesley & Co.* since I…

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