How COVID-19 Shows That P2P Lending Is A Fairer Investment

I’m a fan of the stock market. I think most people with a long time to invest should have some of their money in it. I’ve written about share investing in various pieces on 4thWay, including in this guide I co-wrote: Peer-to-Peer Lending Vs Other…

ArchOver Update On COVID-19

By ArchOver. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the subsequent societal restrictions enacted by governments to combat this crisis, have brought great uncertainty to the international economy, and have placed many businesses into uniquely challenging situations. ArchOver* has been in close contact with all…

Funding Circle Payment Holidays Update On COVID-19 1st April 2020

By Funding Circle. Further actions to protect your returns Last week, we outlined some of the actions we have taken to protect your returns on our platform, including tightening our credit risk parameters and strengthening our Collections and Recoveries capabilities. As this fast-moving situation develops, we…

CapitalStackers Update On COVID-19 28th March, 2020

By CapitalStackers. So how is it going as we crawl toward the end of the first week of lockdown? Are the hands of your watch moving as slowly as mine? And pure irony, isn’t it – as soon as Boris tells us to stay at…

CapitalStackers Update On COVID-19 25th March, 2020

By CapitalStackers. Financial hygiene is even more important during the COVID-19 crisis Total transparency has always been a core function to us at CapitalStackers*, but in the current climate, just like handwashing, this element of normal housekeeping takes on critical importance. We’re fully aware that…

Funding Circle Chief Risk Officer’s Update On COVID-19 25th March 2020

By Jerome Le Luel, Funding Circle’s Global Chief Risk Officer. Protecting your returns over the coming months Jerome Le Luel joined Funding Circle as Global Chief Risk Officer four years ago; bringing with him more than 20 years of experience in risk management. His previous…

JustUs Update On COVID-19

By Lee Birkett, CEO & Founder of JustUs. A calm head in troubled waters I never believed in my lifetime that I would be writing to a locked down nation, but we are where we are, and I believe we will all get through this…

CrowdProperty’s Recent Update On COVID-19

By Michael Bristow, CEO & Co-Founder of CrowdProperty. It’s been an unprecedented week for us all. At CrowdProperty we’ve worked extremely hard to maintain the service, quality and reliability we’ve grown our reputation on. This week we funded 3 quality projects totalling almost £1,000,000 of first-charge…

How The Financial Ombudsman Protects Your P2P lending

I have a lot of professional and some personal experience with the Financial Ombudsman Service, all of it good. This powerful and excellent service has helped millions of people. It handles complaints about financial businesses that are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This includes…

Is Government P2P Lending A Sign Of Quality?

For the past eight years, a handful of government-funded banks have been lending through P2P lending sites. Peer-to-peer lending sites reference national and international government lending through their online platforms as if it is an indication of quality. MarketInvoice, for example says: “Investors on our…

Lending Works Shield: How The Reserve Fund Has Radically Changed

Lending Works has boosted allowances to cover future possible bad debts from £3 million to £5.5 million, by budgeting for more borrower interest to be paid into the Lending Works Shield. While that means much greater coverage that will better match expected bad debts, it…

Is Lending Works Still A Good Investment?

Lending Works has adjusted its forecasts of lender returns and bad debts for new loans. It’s increased the amount of borrower payments that now cover bad debts, with lending rates remaining attractive in its highest-paying account. All this has taken place after hiring a new…

More On Lending Works’ Lower Interest Rates

There’s a lot to update you on with Lending Works again, which has been split between several of us to write up. In this article, I’m tackling the nitty-gritty around the reductions to lending interest rates on loans issued in 2019 or earlier. To see…

Lending Works Update: March 2020 Summary

You absolutely must read all our research on Lending Works this month to get a good overview of it as an investment proposition today. As lenders, you need to reset what you thought you knew about Lending Works and take a fresh look, because it’s…

Funding Circle Update On COVID-19 19th March 2020

By Funding Circle. An update on coronavirus With the impact of coronavirus continuing to be felt, we know that many of you are concerned about your investment and the wider financial landscape. We want to reassure all our valued investors that we are taking appropriate…

LendingCrowd Update On COVID-19 13th March 2020

By LendingCrowd. Amid the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, LendingCrowd stands ready to help our valued community of borrowers and lenders. With the stock market experiencing volatility in recent days, it is important to remember that LendingCrowd only lends to British businesses that have been carefully…

Why FSCS Protection Matters In P2P Lending

The FCA recently suspended a regulated financial business due to weak controls against money laundering, leaving up to one million account holders unable to access their money. The suspended company, called ePayments Systems Limited, has nothing to do with the peer-to-peer lending industry. But it…

Who Can Invest In Peer-To-Peer Lending?

Peer-to-peer lending (including P2P IFISAs) is classified as one of the safer alternative investments, which is why it’s available to all who wish to invest by lending directly to other people, businesses and property owners. But, since it’s still a relatively new form of investing,…

4thWay’s 8 Top IFISA Picks

Neil Faulkner, 4thWay’s co-founder and Head of Research, has picked his top eight IFISA picks, based on his assessment of the risks and rewards. They include: Five selections that are easy to use and are good for both entry-level and expert-level investors. Five selections that…

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