Ian Tait, 4thWay® subscriber
The site is very helpful and I get the impression it’s the best at comparing P2P businesses.
The site is very helpful and I get the impression it’s the best at comparing P2P businesses.
I really like your website: really looks great.
A real expert in this area
Looks as though you’re doing a great job for us alternative investors.
Your website is very informative…I like what you guys do.
Excellent website. Thanks for a genuinely insightful service.
4thWay have a good opportunity to set a benchmarking standard for the performance analysis of p2p lending industry.
4thWay “pulls no punches, so expect candid reporting and trustworthy results
Very good work
i do appreciate the work of 4th Way!
Down to Earth.
Really like the website, thanks for all you do to inform investors.
Thanks for the useful website.
I’m quite an avid reader of 4th way.
There’s huge value to what your site provides
A great resource for those looking to learn more about the peer to peer lending market.
I like the site, there’s a lot of comparison engines out there for borrowers, but the lending side of the equation is grossly underserviced.
I’m impressed by 4thWay’s product.
Success with your website. It’s a useful resource.
Good luck with your venture…your website looks quite impressive.