Invest & Fund Review
Both Invest & Funds accounts received an Exceptional 3/3 4thWay PLUS Rating. The standard account and the IFISA have been paying , after fees. Visit Invest & Fund* or keep reading the Invest & Fund Review.
Both Invest & Funds accounts received an Exceptional 3/3 4thWay PLUS Rating. The standard account and the IFISA have been paying , after fees. Visit Invest & Fund* or keep reading the Invest & Fund Review.
Lande* was the first ever P2P lending company in either the eurozone or continental Europe to be fully assessed by 4thWay. What does Lande do? Lande’s borrowers are Latvian, Lithuanian and Romanian businesses – mostly farmers. The loans usually secured on the farmer’s land or…
Housemartin’s P2P Lending Account And IFISA And Classic Account has earned an Exceptional 3/3 4thWay PLUS Rating. These loans have been paying lenders around of the loan amount in interest, after bad debts. Visit Housemartin* or keep reading the Housemartin Review.
The number and type of P2P lending companies operating from the UK changes regularly. We keep this page updated every quarter. On this page, you’ll find: Full alphabetical list of the peer-to-peer lending companies in the UK. Which includes: – What types of lending they…
Unbolted’s IFISA And Classic Account are Unrated, because we don’t receive sufficient data to conduct our full assessments. Unbolted only sporadically provides information and data to 4thWay. The last time we could assess them, lenders were on course to earn around after bad debts, if…
Sometimes P2P lending companies close down or shift away from being P2P businesses. When they do, you want to see loans repaid in an orderly fashion. That’s why they have plans for this scenario in advance. These plans are intended to make it highly probable…
Invest & Fund lending slowed, but should pick up again 4thWay’s specialists conducted a full reassessment on Invest & Fund this month. There’s nothing at all to report on the risk-reward balance, which remains solid. This update is more about a slow down in lending…
FOLK2FOLK’s Property-Backed Business Lending Account/IFISA unrated, due to lack of information. This account has been paying in the region of interest after zero losses to lenders. Visit FOLK2FOLK or keep reading the FOLK2FOLK Review.
Peer-to-peer lending is not a regulated phrase. By 4thWay’s definition, any online lending company is peer-to-peer if it structures itself and its loans to offer the same level of protection as direct lending, in order to protect lenders in the event that the lending company…
Update on 12th August 2023: Crowd2Fund’s accounts have now been filed and the strike-off action discontinued. Details of its accounts here. You’ve not heard anything from us on Crowd2Fund for a while. Crowd2Fund hasn’t been in a position to provide detailed data to us to…
We’ve had to temporarily take Lande’s 4thWay PLUS Rating down. Unfortunately, due to illness, Lande’s not been able to provide us with the data we need to keep assessing it on anything like the regular basis that we require. I’ve been informed that Lande will…
I just have time for two brief updates on Proplend, which is truly one of the most remarkable P2P lending and IFISA providers for lowering your risks while paying attractive interest rates. Instant diversification in extremely safe loans available now At time of writing, Proplend*…
Swedish P2P lending provider SaveLend, part of the stock-market listed SaveLend Group AB, has now received a 4thWay PLUS Rating, after an extensive assessment of its detailed loan data. Lenders have been earning 8% to 9% after bad debts and fees over the past two…
We don’t get soooo much interest from 4thWay readers when we write about the social and environmental impacts of P2P lending. Our focus is on the risks, rewards, growing your wealth, or earning an income from money lending. Understandably, that’s what you’re most interested in….
Assetz Capital announced in July that the long-lasting lending queue to put new money in its automated accounts finally started to shrink. More recently it has announced that all the money that had been waiting has now been put to work. Lending flows released due…
LandlordInvest’s Bridging & Development Loans are currently unrated, as we’re missing just a small amount of monthly data required for our minimum assessment criteria. These loans have been paying lenders around interest before bad debts. Visit LandlordInvest or keep reading the LandlordInvest Review.
Kuflink* has just reported its first ever profit of about £400,000, off the back of real earnings of about £3 million, for 2021. This is the first profit for the group since it launched its P2P lending arm, after results previously improved from a £3…
Visit Proplend* has only ever introduced one new type of loan in its seven-year history. Everything it has done over the years shows that it prioritises quality lending that it understands above rapidly growing its own business. For just the second time, it’s just introduced…
Loanpad*, the bridging and development P2P lending company with the strictest lending standards in the industry, has tripled the total amount lent through its platform in 12 months to reach profitability in June 2021. It has reached this stage very quickly, as it only approved…
Every year, or so it seems, one of 4thWay’s specialists conducts an interview with a new head of credit at Proplend*. The 4thWay team then throws in some additional background research. Each time, the conclusion is that the key decision maker in the lending team…