4thWay P2P And Direct Lending Index: December 2024

December 2024 had the most write-offs since July 2014 at about £4 million, but the interest paid outweighed that, so the month was still positive overall. That nudged up the year’s return to end on 7.61%, after costs and all losses.   The 4thWay Peer-to-Peer…

List Of All The Peer-To-Peer Lending Companies In The UK

The number and type of P2P lending companies operating from the UK changes regularly. We keep this page updated every quarter. On this page, you’ll find: Full alphabetical list of the peer-to-peer lending companies in the UK. Which includes: – What types of lending they…

4thWay P2P And Direct Lending Index: August 2024

  The 4thWay Peer-to-Peer And Direct Lending Index (PADL Index) enables investors to compare long-run returns to shares and other asset classes. Constituents’ returns have massively outpaced the stock market. In the ten years since start of the index, annualised returns after costs have been…

Where Can You Buy Or Sell Existing Loans?

A peer-to-peer lending secondary market – or marketplace – allows you to buy and sell existing loans after they have already begun. Why would you do this? Because it can be quicker, safer or more profitable: You might sell because you need the cash before…

UK Peer-to-Peer Lending For Overseas Residents

Here’s our list of P2P lending companies that we are aware of that you can lend through from overseas, i.e. outside the UK. And there’s another list below of those that we know you can’t. In addition to any requirements below, you may only open…

Can My Business Lend Through P2P Lending Sites?

UK Limited companies and Limited Partnerships are allowed to lend through P2P lending websites. The ones we know of where this is allowed are: AxiaFunder*/**. CapitalStackers*/**. CP Capital. CrowdProperty.** Downing Crowd**. EstateGuru. Folk2Folk. Housemartin*/** Invest & Fund*/**. Kuflink*/**. LandlordInvest. Lendwise*/**. Proplend*/**. SoMo*/**. Sourced Capital.** Limited companies…

3 Huge P2P Lending Mistakes You’re Making Now

We talk to 4thWay users a lot directly, and we get your emails and survey results from you. What we find is that lenders are making the same mistakes over and over again – and frankly it’s worrying us. While the P2P lending sites really…

Fend Off Peer-To-Peer Lending Fraud & Incompetence – A Checklist

In China, the number of websites offering lending platforms reached more than 2,000. For a long time, after that, 80 of them were being closed down every month due to peer-to-peer lending fraud or incompetence. The UK is far from China in more ways than…

How the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement Impacts P2P Lending

It’s about taxes, so I’ll be brief! Less P2P lending due to frozen personal allowances The income-tax personal allowance of £12,570 will be frozen until This will mean less disposable income available for lending. More people will pay a 45% tax rate and lose their…

Assetz Capital Is Back!

Assetz Capital announced in July that the long-lasting lending queue to put new money in its automated accounts finally started to shrink. More recently it has announced that all the money that had been waiting has now been put to work. Lending flows released due…

User Question About Switching IFISAs When Lending Is Too Slow

If you find lending is too slow in one of your IFISAs, and the cash in that IFISA is all from prior tax years, you can simply transfer any unlent cash to another IFISA. That’s provided your IFISA provider allows you to make partial transfers*….

An Update On Sourced Capital

Sourced Capital has been incredibly busy for a couple of years, so we’ve had no opportunity to get an update from them for a long time. At last, we’ve just had a chance to get an update on a little bit of the information that’s…

8 P2P Lending Mistakes People Make

While the vast majority of individual lenders have made money on their loans every year since P2P lending started in 2005, some have not done so well. Alternatively, some might have been surprised by other outcomes, such as seeing their money trapped in for longer…

Proplend Team Gets Another Upgrade

Every year, or so it seems, one of 4thWay’s specialists conducts an interview with a new head of credit at Proplend*. The 4thWay team then throws in some additional background research. Each time, the conclusion is that the key decision maker in the lending team…

What You Need To Know About P2P Bridging Lending

Perhaps half of P2P lending companies in the UK offer bridging lending, so it’s an extremely popular type of property loan to lend in. It’s not only a very distinct kind of lending, but the risks vary massively between different providers. Today, I’m writing about…

Who Owns The P2P Lending Sites?

For fast-growing startup companies – which includes most P2P lending sites – being profitable isn’t usually the best measure of whether it will succeed. This is especially the case since most of them are not profitable. And you don’t expect them to be. They need and…

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