Your Questions Answered: Previous Answers

To see the most recent question read here (opens in new window). Question from Simon “Could you please do an assessment of crowd stacker and crowd2fund? I have a lot of money currently in a stocks and shares ISA that I would really like to move…

The Chosen…One?

Welcome back to the third course of my 4th way. For my returning readers you’ll know that I began to look at the idea of venturing into P2P lending in Follow Me As I Learn to P2P. When I had reduced my selection down to…

An Amateur Looks for Low-Risk P2P Lenders

Welcome back to those who read my previous article (Follow Me as I Learn to P2P), and welcome to those who have not. In my previous article, I revealed my desire to save/invest after having my curiosity piqued by reading some 4thWay® articles. I am…

Follow Me As I Learn to P2P

Like you I am in the position to put a small sum of money aside for that rainy day to spend on my family. There is no more room under our bed, as that space was filled up many years ago with paraphernalia. We bought…

Funding Circle’s Christmas Cashback Loans

Funding Circle is currently returning cashback to lenders, taken out of the borrowers’ fees, in a few select loan auctions. The loans are listed as A+, which is Funding Circle’s highest borrower grade. Although Funding Circle conservatively estimates that 0.6% of these loans will go…

New Tax-Free Savings Accounts

HM Treasury has concluded a two-month consultation on the best way to implement the inclusion of P2P loans with ISAs. Various options are being considered including creating a third type of ISA or including P2P lending as an option within a stocks and shares ISA….

Lend for a Month or Year and Earn 6%

New P2P lending company Fruitful launched quietly a couple of weeks ago to “invited” lenders with a promise of a minimum of 5% above Bank of England base rate. It currently pays 6%. When Fruitful becomes more widely available, it will provide protection to your…

Zopa Provides Unsecured Loans for Money-Saving Boiler

Zopa, the world’s oldest peer-to-peer lending company, has created another source of borrowers for investors to lend to. It is now offering unsecured personal loans to Flowgroup customers who purchase its Flow boiler, a money-saving boiler which generates electricity as it heats a home. FlowGroup…

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