Cloned P2P Lending Websites on the Way

Trillion Fund, which enables you to lend and invest in energy projects, is to allow other websites to clone its P2P lending services. In a marketing move known as “white labelling”, the company will strip its own logo, branding and any other mention of Trillion Fund away, and allow other…

Major Report Into RateSetter

Once again, we have a new report into the outstanding P2P lending opportunity that is RateSetter, with interest rates up to 6% and the lowest 4thWay® Risk Rating of 10, which makes it just slightly short of savings accounts in terms of the risk of…

December Lending Blues

Zopa, the world’s oldest P2P lending Company, says its lenders set great store in transparency, so it has started to take steps to become much more open on when your money will be lent. This makes sense; we all become much more patient and complain less when we know…

P2P Lending Costs More Than Stock Investing

…But there’s a catch at the end. Cavendish Online, the discount broker of investment and insurance products, has created a fund supermarket providing the cheapest route to buy a share ISA, with all costs included. Cavendish Online will get you spread into a few different funds…

P2P Lending Returns to Average 5%

Ever wondered what the average returns in P2P lending are? We wonder that all the time. We know average doesn’t mean much, but, like most people, we’re curious anyway. We have just launched the 4thWay® P2P Forecast Returns Index, which is the first index of P2P…

Offset Your P2P Lending Losses from April 2015

Probably from April next year, any losses you make in P2P lending can be offset against your income tax. The news was announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement today. Currently, losses in P2P lending either can’t be offset in the case of lending to individuals,…

Wellesley’s Provision Fund Shrinks to 1.3x

Update on 5 December 2014: Wellesley’s bad-debt provision fund jumped back up to 1.8 times as amount on loan and protected by the fund dropped £20 million. Wellesley explained that its figures are entered manually, so the big drop was merely a human error. Wellesley & Co’s…

Zopa: When Will Your Money Be Lent Out?

True to its word, Zopa, the world’s first P2P lending Company, has made the change it had promised to improve information in our online lending accounts. We can can now see what money is queuing and what money is in the process of being matched to new…

Major Report Into Funding Circle

Again, I’m abusing my position and writing a blog about one of our own products – and yet it is something I would have written about if another company had created it. This week we have continued our series of highly detailed, plain English, informative, candid…

Zopa Provides Unsecured Loans for Money-Saving Boiler

Zopa, the world’s oldest peer-to-peer lending company, has created another source of borrowers for investors to lend to. It is now offering unsecured personal loans to Flowgroup customers who purchase its Flow boiler, a money-saving boiler which generates electricity as it heats a home. FlowGroup…

Why Are There So Many Estonian P2P Lending Websites?

There are at least three Estonian P2P lending companies already seeking lenders in the UK. Estonia has just 1.2 million people and yet Spain and many other large countries don’t have many more P2P companies themselves. Why are there already so many P2P lending companies…

Which P2P lending company really is the biggest?

We took a look at most of the better-known UK-based P2P lending companies to see which is currently the biggest. The answer is: it depends how you measure it. Many of them claim to be biggest in one way or another. Size is not everything, as RateSetter…

RateSetter Receives Financial Times Award

RateSetter, the biggest consumer loans P2P lending Company when measured by monthly lending, has been awarded Best Peer-to-Peer Lender at the Wealth Management Awards, which is run by the Financial Times and the Investors Chronicle. The awards aim to help investors (including lenders) to find the best…

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