2015: Great Returns on Peer-to-Peer Lending

Now is a very attractive time for peer-to-peer lending with interest rates well above where they should be for the risks involved. Why is 2015 such a good year? While borrowers are being quick to get on board for the lower rates and better terms,…

Earn 6.1% Interest Through Lending Works

Lending Works has made itself even more attractive to lenders by ramping up its interest rates. It has pushed up its three-year rate from 4% to 4.3% and its five-year rate from 5.5% to 6.1%. The five-year rate is now the best of all the peer-to-peer…

High-Rate Loans From rebuildingsociety This Week

Here are the latest high-rate loans that are open for you to bid on from rebuildingsociety, the P2P lending company that finances riskier loans to businesses. B grade loan to heat treatment company Update: this loan has been extended to 15 January due to the…

Funding Circle’s High-Grade, High Rate Loans

You can lend money to businesses through Funding Circle graded by the peer-to-peer lending company as “A+” – its highest grade. Although Funding Circle conservatively estimates that 0.6% of these loans will go unpaid each year, not even 20 A+ loans have gone bad in the four…

Why Wellesley & Co. is Safe Even During a Crash

I wanted to know just what kind of disaster lenders like you and me could survive when we lend our money through property peer-to-peer lending company Wellesley & Co.* so I put it to a severe test with big property price falls and lots of borrowers failing…

The Biggest Risk in P2P Lending

There’s one risk that is completely ignored by many financial institutions. Dangerously for savers and investors, this blinkered vision filters through to financial and news websites, and even to professionals who should know better. This risk is such a huge risk for people saving in…

P2P Lending Through A Pension

I totally missed the potential of this when the news broke a few weeks ago. Proplend, the property P2P lending company, announced that we can now lend through it in a pension wrapper. At first I thought you, me and most people were automatically excluded,…

How Funding Circle Lenders Will Survive A Terrible Economy

The oldest business and property P2P lending company has checked out how us lenders would come out of an economic disaster. Funding Circle asked Hymans Robertson, an external consultancy, to conduct the same “stress tests” on it as the banks have been required to do by the Prudential Regulation…

13% Loans Secured on Yachts From FundingSecure

Through FundingSecure, you can lend against high-value items from yachts to luxury watches and fine art. The pawnbroking P2P lending company takes possession of the items in advance and it can sell them if the borrower doesn’t pay up. It doesn’t lend more than 70% of the lowest valuation…

Funding Circle’s Christmas Cashback Loans

Funding Circle is currently returning cashback to lenders, taken out of the borrowers’ fees, in a few select loan auctions. The loans are listed as A+, which is Funding Circle’s highest borrower grade. Although Funding Circle conservatively estimates that 0.6% of these loans will go…

Safest P2P Lending Interest Rates Over Christmas

The P2P lending companies pitching themselves as lowest risk and easy-to-use all have the best records – with no lenders losing any money. These companies all have bad-debt provision funds: that’s a pot of money in reserve to pay you back in case a borrower…

What Happened to Lenders When These P2P Firms Closed?

With P2P lending company GraduRates closing down gently, I think its appropriate to take a look at the other companies that have gone out of business. Because I don’t want my money disappearing, do you? Let’s see what has happened in these past nine years…

Landbay Survives Severe Property Crash Stress Test

Landbay* is the first peer-to-peer provider to focus exclusively on mortgages to the buy-to-let sector. In a recent report  entitled “Democratising Mortgage Lending”, commissioned by Landbay and written by Wrigglesworth Consultancy, Wrigglesworth wrote: “To illustrate the robustness of its portfolio of buy-to-let loans we have stress…

P2P Lending Company GraduRates to Close Gently

Ratesetter, the low-risk consumer loans p2p lending company, has announced that it is taking over GraduRates‘ loans. GraduRates is a P2P lending company targeting postgraduate borrowers. Full financial regulation is starting next year and so Gradurates has decided to wind down its loan book rather than meet…

RateSetter Grows Into Business and Property Loans

In a recent blog, Rhydian Lewis explained how his P2P lending company is expanding to lend to more different types of customers. The founder of RateSetter, the largest consumer loans P2P lending company when measure by monthly loans, showed how they have progressed beyond lending to…

This Week’s 16% Loans From rebuildingsociety

Here are the latest high-rate loans that are open for you to bid on from rebuildingsociety, the P2P lending company that finances riskier loans to businesses. Update on 21/12/2014: all the loans below are now fullly funded, but you can still under-cut bids from other…

Lenders Should Beware of Perverse Financial Incentives

Around 2004 or 2005, I can’t remember which, dentists suddenly started doing far more fillings and far less root canals. A few years later, German hospitals suddenly started doing lots more caesarean sections than previously. A few years after that, financial advisors in the UK suddenly…

Property P2P Co. with Zero Losses Lowers Minimum Lending Amount

LendInvest, the largest property P2P lending company, has just reduced its minimum lending amount from £10,000 to £1,000, bringing it into the reach of many more lenders. LendInvest will also soon enable automatic lending and the ability to sell your loan parts to others. In…

Financial Advice is Improving

The financial regulator’s review of independent financial advice has shown “early indications” that advice has improved and some of the costs have come down since a major change in how advisors make money. Financial advisors were banned from taking commission from Pension, ISA and other investment providers two years…

Major Report Into Zopa

This is the Candid Opinion blog, and you won’t see research into P2P lending companies anywhere else as that is as candid as in all the 4thWay® Insight Reports. We’ve just published our detailed research report into the oldest P2P lending company in the world: Zopa. Read…

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